Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prayer Update

I know that there are many of you who read this that consistently pray for us. We are extremely grateful for that. While our transition over has been relatively easy, it has not been without its own challenges and roadbumps (maybe sometime we will write a post completely devoted to the cultural and practical struggles in moving to a foreign country). In order for you to be able to pray more specifically for us, here are a couple of requests that we would ask you lift up to our Father.

1. Beth and I are both getting into the groove of our new jobs. We are really thankful that God has provided us with jobs that are meeting our needs and providing some great experiences.
2. We are thankful for the community of believers that the Lord has placed us in. They have been a great help and encouragement to us in so many ways.
3. The Lord has brought a couple of unsaved Taiwanese ladies into Beth's life. We have prayed for this and Beth is excited to continue nurturing these relationships.

1. Beth and I both have a class that is...difficult, to say the least. We feel that perhaps some of the kids in these classes would gain more from the stocks than an English class :). Please pray for patience, wisdom, and our sanity.
2. Starting October 1st, we will be involved with a ministry in our church that reaches out to unsaved adults via English. Pray that this would be a fruitful endeavor (more to come on this later).
3. Please pray for us as we are applying to seminaries and Beth is taking the GRE (which is required for admission into her program, not just because she thinks it would be fun :). Please pray that we would be diligent in looking to the future, yet content and effective in our day to day life here.

Again, we appreciate all of you... our friends and family. If any of you aren't friends or family, we appreciate your prayers too. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will get high score in GRE. Useful resource: .I'm doing practice here everyday.



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