Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prayer Update

Northern Taiwan coast

- We are grateful for the time we were able to spend in the Philippines. The Lord used it to show us a great ministry, open our eyes to future ministry opportunities, and further grow us.
- I (Ben) have been able to pick up two more classes which increases my working hours substantially. We are thankful for this as it helps us to better save for our upcoming seminary expenses.  
- We continue to be thankful for our time here in Taiwan.

- Please continue to pray for us as we seek to work out many details related to our move back and beginning school again. Specifically, we are praying for a good housing situation (i.e. one that is affordable as the Chicagoland area is quite expensive). In relation to this, please ask the Lord to help us to be faithful in trusting Him for the provision that is needed.
- Life here has been busy with Beth taking a statistics course, Chinese lessons, and teaching, as well as my increased work schedule. Pray that we would manage our time well.
- Pray for our relationships with our Taiwanese friends here, that we would be the aroma of Christ to them.

We are so thankful for your prayers and encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Always remembering that in the end, after all of our prayers, and much of our worrying, God is good. That is the bottom line.



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