Wednesday, June 1, 2011

featuring Level C...

Storywriting is an integral part of my classes, and I love watching my students develop in creativity. I thought their unintended humor too enjoyable to keep all to myself.

Best one-liner:

The cowboy is sit on cactus and he ouch!!!!!!!!!

the wheels are turning.

Disclaimer: these are all unedited

A long time ago, an Indian and a cowboy met in the park. The Indian shot the buffalo with bow and arrow. Cowboy said, "Wow, not me, I didn't ues the gun." They took the buffalo to the hospital. So, the buffalo didn't die.


One day, the Indian ate a buffalo. They so liked buffalo. Cowboy liked buffalo too. He saw Indian have a buffalo. He think, "I want that buffalo." He wrote a letter. Indian saw that cowboy is so so so so so so so so bad. He have a gun. He want play basketball. He catch a ball and jump and win. He's so happy. And he think, "The Indian is not bad. I don't want a buffalo. I want a basketball." Indian is so so so so so so so so so so happy. Evening, Indian is slept in the teepee. Indian have so many bows and arrows. They ate buffalo.


One day, an Indian and a cowgirl met in the park. They read the book, sang a song, took a walk. The Indian loved the cowgirl, but the cowgirl didn't love the Indian, so the Indian was sad.


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