Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some time ago, while sick and lacking energy, I felt pretty down and out, drowning my sorrows and sore throat over books in my bed when I noticed the late afternoon sun streaming through our frosted windows. It was beckoning me to come. I pulled myself out of bed, my hair in a ponytail, something decent on, and walked outside with only my camera.

out our window

Walking through the familiar streets, I felt as though I had new eyes to see, a new sense of exploration and appreciation, a new fascination for this unique place in the world. The sunlight streamed through the alleys, and I followed it like a child chasing her shadow.

two men sit here every morning with their radio blaring...just thought you should know.

[our little alley]

Lane 89, Jinshan S. Rd., Taipei

It took me to familiar places, and yet I felt as though I'd never before discovered them.


Beauty is everywhere.


Life is everywhere.


I walked home, refreshed by all the life around me, strengthened by the beauty and grace of God, and thankful for where He has put us today.

Praying that you are encouraged by His beauty and grace today as well.

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